A message from Northwestern Mutual CEO John Schlifske

John Schlifske is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer at Northwestern Mutual. The following is a message Mr. Schlifske sent to Northwestern Mutual clients about the recent events involving Silicon Valley Bank.
Recent news surrounding Silicon Valley Bank has many individuals questioning the financial strength of the institutions they do business with. Be assured that by doing business with Northwestern Mutual, you are doing business with one of the strongest companies in America.
We regularly tout the exceptional financial strength of the company and that we earn our industry’s highest available financial strength ratings from the four major rating agencies, year after year. And recent events reinforce the value and importance of maintaining such financial strength and being well-positioned. As highlighted in our announcement of 2022 financial results, we began the year with a record-level capital position, significant liquidity, while again delivering an industry-leading dividend of $6.8 billion to policyowners.
More information about the company’s financial strength, performance and financial ratings can be found on our website. I encourage you to give it a look.
As we have seen in past market downturns, recessions, and even during the pandemic, Northwestern Mutual has not only survived extreme external challenges, it has thrived. We have a 165-year history of expertly navigating and managing the various risks of our business to ensure we can keep the promises the company makes to you, our policyowners, no matter the economic or market headwind it may face. It’s a hallmark of our business and you can count on us.