Important Investment Disclosure Information
Below are links to important investment disclosures and information to help you make informed decisions related to investing through us:
Download SEC Client Relationship Summary information.
Our NMIS Customer Relationship Summary (CRS) provides you summary information about brokerage services through NMIS, and our NMWMC Customer Relationship Summary (CRS) provides you summary information about advisory services through NMWMC.
Download the Guide to Brokerage Services
The Guide to Brokerage Services disclosure brochure contains important information about the scope and terms of NMIS's brokerage services, conflicts of interest in connection with our brokerage offerings, and costs and sales charges related to the accounts and products we make available. This disclosure to clients is required by SEC Regulation Best Interest and is designed to provide you material information so your decisions about using our brokerage services are fully informed when investing through us.
Download an Investment Advisory Program Disclosure Brochure
Download IRA Rollover and Distribution Options Brochure
This brochure explains the benefits of a rollover IRA for when you are changing jobs or finally reach your goal of retirement. It compares alternative options, for example staying in your current plan or taking a cash distribution and offers an easy to understand chart comparing your options. Guide a conversation with a prospect or client who is preparing for a job change or nearing retirement about IRA options.
Download the Fee Schedule for brokerage accounts
Download Client General Account Agreement
This agreement includes the terms and conditions applicable to your brokerage account.
Download information about the Northwestern Mutual FDIC Insured Deposit Program:
Northwestern Mutual FDIC Insured Deposit Program disclosure statement, rate sheet, and bank list. The Northwestern Mutual FDIC Insured Deposit Program is the primary product in our Cash Sweep Program and will earn a daily interest rate for your uninvested assets. It's insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for up to $4 million1,2
Download the FundVest® Fund Family List
The link above provides a list of fund families participating in Pershing's FundVest® program. Brokerage accounts opened through us are held at Pershing, which is an unaffiliated company that acts as a clearing firm to execute mutual fund trades and custody certain assets for us. Pershing receives servicing fees from certain mutual fund families to participate in Pershing's mutual fund no-transaction-fee program called FundVest®. As described in the Guide to Brokerage Services, Pershing does not charge us clearance and execution fees for transactions in funds that participate in the FundVest® program. This is a NMIS firm level conflict of interest because we receive an economic benefit from a client's mutual fund transactions in Pershing's FundVest® program versus transactions in non-FundVest® program mutual funds due to the clearance and execution fee waiver.
Download the NMIS Non-Service Fee Funds List
The link above provides a list of mutual funds that, if made available based on the NMWMC research process, are subject to transaction fees for both buys and sells in the Northwestern Mutual Signature Choice program. Refer to the Signature Choice Program Disclosure Brochure available on this website for additional details on Transaction Fee Funds and related conflicts of interest.
In addition, for brokerage accounts, the funds listed are NMIS Non-Service Fee Funds that do not provide Pershing administrative service fees for offsetting costs of shareholder servicing or other similar expenses. Refer to the Guide to Brokerage Services available on this website for additional information on administrative service fee payments NMIS receives through Pershing from Service Fee Funds and related conflicts of interest.
Download the Margin Agreement Disclosure