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Directory of Financial Advisors and Representatives
in Texas
Chance Allen
David Allen
Jack Allison
Travis Anderson
Marcus Arguez
Chad Armstrong
August Asel
Richard Asel
Robert Asel
S. Hussain Askari
Paul Atwood
Patrick Bailey
Joe Baird
Michael Baird
Daniel Baker
James Baker Jr
Larry Balthazar Jr
Jason Bang
Chris Bardeloza
Dylan Barnard
Michael Barney
Robert Barton
Robert Baten
Taylor Baumgartner
Travis Bearden
William Beasing
Christopher Becker
Thomas Beebe
Nick Bellamy
J. Michael Belvin
Dee Benning
Caden Berneburg
Bradley Binversie
Brian Blair
Jon Blake
Robert Blalock III
Jennifer Blum
Carlos Bolano
James Booker II
Mark Bordelon
Lynn Borker
Luke Borst
Ben Bowden
Will Bramblett
Scott Brannan
Blake Brawner
Will Brezette
Aaron Brizuela
Bobby Brown
Brian Brown
Darius Brown
Jake Brown
Paul Brown II
Trey Brown
XueXia Bruton
Don Bryan Jr
Starley Buchanan
Grant Buckholt
Carson Buell
Clayton Burnett
Eddie Caldwell
Leonard Callaway
Vincent Campagna
Ryan Campbell
Sofia Campbell
Creg Canalizo
Ted Cantrell
Timothy Carmean
Madison Carrier
Cole Caruthers
Eric Cazares
Brad Cernovich
Joseph Cesmirosky
Alex Chan
Mark Chapa
Benjamin Chen
Tristan Cirelo
Justin Cleveland
Troy Coker
David Coleman
Jacob Coleman
Chris Collins
Rex Collins
Rory Conley
Thomas Conlon
Willis Cooley
Wesley Cooper
Eric Cortez
Cayden Couchman
Kyle Coulson
Bryan Courtney
Jack Courtney
Jay Courtney
Miles Courtney
Devin Coyle
Corbin Craft
Trey Crawford
Christian Cribb
Michael Crossley
Chris Cruz
Vanessa Cuellar
Enoch Culliver
Jake Damuth
Joshua Davis
Zach Davis
Bradley Dawson
Doug Dawson
John Dawson
Kiarash Daylami
David De Anda
Jonathan De Fex
Kenneth Dean
John Denton
Swati Desai
Kenton Devine
Roberto Diaz
Colby Dickson
Craig Dillihunt
G Donaho
Shelton Dotson IV
Dominic Dougherty
John-Mark Doyle
Javar Duckett
Cory Duran
Kelly Earls
Grant Earp
Ulrick Edmonds
Caroline Ellis
Scott Ellison
Lucas Equitz
Roberto Espinosa
Jesse Estrada
Zipporah Evania
Langston Facen
Grant Fairchild
Joe Fallon
Colton Farrell
Joseph Ferguson
Jerry Fisher
KaiLeigh Fisher
Al Flanagan
Bryson Fletcher
Kaleb Fletcher
Roberto Flores Jr
Wes Flores
Parker Folkert
Cameron Folse
Drew Forner
Eugene Forsythe
Stephanie Franco
Nigel Fredericks
Robert French
Shane Fruge
Desiree Fussell
Tim Gandre
Bertha Garcia
Jonathan Garcia
Leonard Gargagliano
Michael Gauthier
Vincent Gentry
Stanley Goldman
Julian Gomez I
Rico Gomez
Alejandra Gonzalez
Rob Gonzalez
Juliandra Goodman
Cheri Grant
Mallory Green
Devin Greer
Cole Grimes
Ryan Groce
Tonia Grubbs
Raj Guduru
Casey Guerra
Cindy Gunawan
Blake Gunderson
Kenneth Gunn
Rory Guthrie
David Hagood
Steve Hailstone
Emily Halal
Bryan Hanks
Evan Hardin
Alexis Harris
Brent Harris
William Hayes
S Haywood II
Trenton Heiland
Ben Henderson
Cooper Henderson
David Hene
Ally Henson
Zachary Henson
Christian Hernandez
Irving Hernandez
Crystal Herrington
Jacob Hester
Corey Hicks
David Higgins
Stephen Hill
Katie Himes
Nabil Hirani
Tina Hoang
Michael Hood
Jack Hook
Kaelyn Hooper
Loren Hsiao
Ron Hughes
John Hunter
Chukwuemeka Ifemesia
Krystal Igbo
James Ingrahm
Stephen Izuno
Josh Jacobs
Beau Jacobson
David James
Jake Johnson
Joshua Johnson
Joe Johnston
Chris Jones
Greg Jones
Ryan Kahn
Joshua Kane
Edward Kassing
Nancy Kaufman
Maria Kell
Marcella Kelly
Stewart Keltner
Timothy Kennedy
Hassan Khan
Dr. Daryl Klump
David Kneip
Marcy Knox
Michael Knox
Renior Knox Jr
Cody Koon
Stanley P Stosh Korn
William Kretschmer
Carter Krowski
Joseph Kuzan
Jay Lane
Scott Lane
Luke Lang
Laura Lanzo
Karin Larrave
Dallas Lasky
Chad Latimer
Brad Ledbetter
Nick Lerick
Lazaro Lerma
Erik Lichty
Scott Lichty
Alan Lin
Jennifer Ling Sandoval
Rand Lionberger
Arleen Llewellyn
Mason Lobner
Addi Locke
Patrick Logan
Angelique Lopez
Grisel Lopez
Barret Loux
George Lubke Jr
Bruce Luizzi
Alex Luna
Cameron MacDiarmid
Joseph Mahoney
David Mark
Rebecca Marsh
Apsari Martin
Austin Martin
Joel Martinez
Patrick Matthews
Victoria Mayes
Hugh Mc Fadden
James McCabe
Posia McCollum
Julia McFall
Paxton McGarvey
Christopher McGrew
David McKay Jr
Patrick McMurrey
Jorge Mckenzie
Jordan Menard
Jake Meredith
Nate Meyer
Chris Micek
John Miles
Bradley Miller
Chris Miller
Steven Miura
Chris Moen
Abygail Molina
Brandon Molina
Jay Mondick
Carl Monrad II
W. Blake Monroe
Rob Montalvo
Diondre Montgomery
Adam Moore
J. Moore
Joel Moore
John Moore Jr
Tyler Moore
Alex Morgan
Nicki Morgan
Leroy Morin
Christopher Mosley
Charles Muniz
Jarrett Neal
Debi Neely
John Neville
James Newlon
Derek Newman
Colin Nicholson
Paul Nick
Tim Nielsen
Myles Norfolk
Bryan Novak
Richard Nwobodo
Malachi O Keefe
Matt Occhipinti
Jake Olsta
Natallia Ornelas
Matthew Ostergaard
Marcus Owens
Mariana Paiz
Lucas Palenzuela
Bharat Parikh
Dena Patel
John Patison
Tim Paumen
Colin Pearson
Gene Peeples IV
Matthew Pemberton
Steve Percifield
Jacob Perez
Eric Perlmutter
Melody Peters
Brian Petrando
Terren Pettigrew
Kevin Picou
John Luke Pipkin
Karl Pitkin
Roland Pollard
Carson Pope
Jose Pozo
Michael Prazak
Chole Premo
Caleb Primera
Charles Prothro
Dominic Puczylowski
Julian Puga Jr
Jon Quesnel
Michael Rafter
Diego Ramirez
Mark Ramirez
Brett Ray
Luke Ray
Joe Reda
Marcus Reed
Chad Reeter
Cole Reiser
Jacob Rhame
Brandon Rhine
Cody Richardson
Daniel Riley
Humberto Rios
Matt Robb
Marcelo Rodriguez
Torrie Rogers
Keith Rollins
Brandon Rome
Mariana Romero
Juan Rosas III
Heath Rose
Tymothe Rosenthal
Brandon Rossi
Megan Rowland
Dylan Rudd
Caleb Russell
Seth Russell
Weston Russell
Boanerges Saavedra
Naina Sadaruddin
Taloria Salazar
Ty Salter
Mark Deniel Sampelo
David Sandefer
Topher Sandoval
Elizabeth Santamaria
Kadeem Satchell
Mark Savarino
Blake Sawyer
Samuel Schlanger
Justin Schofield
Paul Schreier
Zachary Scott
Jacob Sebastian
Chris Sevak
Joshua Sexton
Zach Shannon
Jamie Sharples
Rosalynd Shaw
Jack Sheets
Kyle Shuck
Dexter Shuler
Jimmy Siegel
Kervin Simmons
Cyerra Sims
Salima Singh
Ted Skierski
Michael Slabic
Chad Smith
Kathryn Smith
Randy Smith
Robert Smith
William Smith Jr
Andrew Snyder
Sara Sorge
Corey Souliotis
Jackson Southers
Kadeem Speller
Abhyudaya Srivastava
Julian Staehely
Jack Steffe
Monica Stehling
Jennifer Steil
Andrew Stephens
Dustin Stephens
James Stevens
Kraig Stockdale
Jada Stockemer
Ralph Stockemer
Jeremy Stone
Drew Stracke
Cathy Suarez
Fernando Suarez
Austin Summerlin
Luke Susud
Matthew Sweeney
Scott Sweet
Jerret Sykes
James Tafolla
Joselyn Tamez Chavez
John Teinert
Todd Temple
Ty Terrazone
Sirena Thering
Kaeli Thompson
Rick Thurman
Anthony Tice
Jackson Tingler
Richard Tinker
Alexis Torns
Jarrod Townsend
Dinh Tran
Robert Trevino
David Trevizo
Robyn Trotter
Charles Tull III
Nahla Turner
Matthew Ursery
Aaron Vallance
Christopher Vaughan
John Vehslage
Mark Vehslage Sr
Gary Veltidi
Chris Volpe
Keith Wagner
Luke Wagner
Jarrett Walker
Kelsie Walker
Mark Walker
James Wallace
Tom Warrick
Sean Washington
Wyatt Waters
Blake Watkins
Blake Weeks
Evan Weeks
Patrick Weilert
Tom Weilert
Daniel Weizel
Matt Welch
James Wendlandt
Matthew Westmoreland
Walker Whiddon
Jeff Whitacre
Donald White
Kevin White
Randi White
Sterling White
Kyle Wick
William Wiese
Chelsea Williams
Sam Williams
Shanita Williams
David Willson
Brigham Wilson
Leonard Wilson
Aaron Wingfield
Kyle Winkley
Gary Wolfe
Sam Wooding
Josh Woods
Zachary Wooldridge
Casey Wright
Kathleen Wunderlick
Tom Wunderlick
Christian Yanicelli
Bryan Zetino